Enhanced Security Feature Single Session per User

in b4 News


Enhanced Security Feature Single Session per User  

We are pleased to announce a new enhancement to our product that significantly improves security and user management: the implementation of the "Single Session per User" feature.

Our latest update introduces an option in the Preferences to limit login attempts to one session per user. With this feature enabled, users will not be able to start a second session using the same credentials. If a user attempts to log in when they are already in another session, they will receive a message informing them of the restriction.

By default, the software continues to allow multiple user sessions. This provides flexibility for existing users who require access from multiple devices or locations simultaneously.

Please note that this restriction only applies to the same application. Users will still be able to log in to different applications (e.g. Console and Dashboard) at the same time, even if the Single Session per User option is set.
